Mittwoch, 19. August 2009
Scarfs are scharf (hot)
Dienstag, 18. August 2009
Dicke Freunde
Samstag, 15. August 2009
Being queen customer is so nice in the oversize segment. Suddenly there´s no such words as plump or even fat anymore. No, the fashion industry chooses the most flowery descriptions so that shopping ist fun even beyond size 16. It´s all about “Big is beautiful”, “chubby princesses”, “Happy Size”, “Plus Size”, “Addition Elle”, “Generous” and so on (actually in America there are even more nice brand names that I can´t all remember now). I love it!
Donnerstag, 13. August 2009
Einmal Niete, immer Niete / Rivets once, rivets forever
Nobody wants to be a palooka, but everybody wants to wear rivets (yeah...that joke doesn´t quite work in English, because in German palooka and rivet is the same word: Niete...I translate anyway). Since I found my favourite belt at Addition Elle I wear it regularly. And conveniently I have a pair of pants that perfectly goes with it. That rocks!
****Belt: Addition Elle****
****Sweater: Clockhouse/C&A****
Göttliche Eingebung
Und irgendwie scheint da auch so eine Art Trend zum niedlich sein losgetreten, jetzt wo Torrid sowas außerhalb der Karnevalszeit verkauft (Halloween ist auch nicht):
Lederjacken / Leatherjackets
Das obere Exemplar gibt es bis Größe 54, das untere bis Größe 56/58. Sag ich extra dazu, weil die Models ja immer so klein aussehen.
Diggin Ditto?!
Shock! Terror! Beth Ditto, plump lesbian punkrock singer, has designed a fashion collection Evans. No, actucally nobody is shocked. It´s all over town that Ditto is hip.
Ich liebe die Ditto ehrlich gesagt mehr für ihren Feminismus und die Musik als den Style. Obowohl ich natürlich glücklich bin, dass endlich mal wieder eine Übergrößen Prinzessin bei den Sternchen mitmitschen darf. Passiert leider viel zu selten. Die Teile der Kollektion sind ausgesprochen figurbetont und sooo 80ties! Nicht ganz mein Ding. Mir gefielen einzig folgend Teile:
To be honest I love Ditto more for her feminism and her music than for her style. Even though I am happy of course, that eventually once more a plussize princess gets to play with the stars. Happens unfortunately very rarely. The pieces of the collection are extremely figure-hugging and sooo 80ties. Not quite my cup of tea. I only liked these pieces:
Last but not least: diese wirklich niedliche Britin (hört den Akzent!) habe ich bei Youtube entdeckt, wo sie die neue Kollektion bewertet und ihre eigenen neuen Teile vorführt. Und juchhuu...sie bloggt auch.This really cute britsh girl (listen to the accent!) I found on Youtube, where she reviews the collection and shows off her own new pieces. And yaaay...she´s also blogging.
Shoppingtrip London
Yes, we love shopping, even tough it isn´t always easy to find something awesome in our size and the choices are limited. A great possibility to widen the oversize-horizon and the experience world is a weekend-trip. As generally known in Europe everything is pretty close to each other and I always long to travel to one of my favourite towns...London.
Grundvoraussetzung ist das S&S-Prinzip. Steht für erst sparen & dann shop till you drop. Mit Mammutbustour ist man über Nacht in der Hauptstadt der Briten und dann blitzschnell bei
Basic condition is the S&S-principal. Stands for first save & then shop till you drop. By mammoth-bustour one reaches the capital of the Brits over night to look at the shops above. For accessories and little memories I find Camden market fantastic. If you know any to add....your advice is highly welcome. Maybe any locals reading this?
Eitler Pfau / Proud as a peacock
Verrückt nach Big Beautiful Fashion
Eine Herausforderung in Größe 52 bis 56, je nach Label, je nach Tagesform. Hier sammele ich zukünftig die Highlights für all die Big Beautiful Girls da draußen, die genauso verrückt nach Stoff sind wie ich.
Crazy about Big Beautiful Fashion
My dream is a wardrobe that I will fit in additionally to my clothing. Until now I´ve mainly been busy with shopping pieces for that wardrobe though.
It´s a challenge in size 24 to 28, depending on label and shape of the day. From now on I will collect the highlights for all the big beautiful girls out there that are just as crazy about fabrics as me.